Nerf Rival Roundhouse XX-1500 Red Blaster

Nerf Rival Roundhouse XX-1500 Red Blaster

9-7-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Right now at Ama­zon is sell­ing the #1 Best Sell­er Nerf Rival Round­house XX-​1500 Red Blaster for a very low $11.93 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen, beat­ing our pre­vi­ous men­tion in March 2021 by $3. Tar­get and other stores charge $17+. This blaster fea­tures a 15-​round ca­pac­i­ty and a clear ro­tat­ing cham­ber so you can see the rounds in­side. Fire rounds at a ve­loc­i­ty of 90 FPS!
2-pc Munchkin Snack Catcher

2-pc Munchkin Snack Catcher

9-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is again sell­ing the Munchkin Snack Catch­er 2 Pack on sale for a low $4.23 with free ship­ping for Prime mem­bers. That’s tied with the low­est price we’ve seen in the last two years. These in­cred­i­bly pop­u­lar snack catch­ers are portable snack bowls that allow in­de­pen­dent tod­dlers to self-​feed with a bit more dex­ter­i­ty and a lot less mess. Great for home, day­care, or on the go, these things also fit most stan­dard cup hold­ers!
Under Armour Women's Fly By 2.0 Running Shorts

Under Armour Women's Fly By 2.0 Running Shorts

9-1-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Under Ar­mour Women’s Fly By 2.0 Run­ning Shorts in the Cos­mos Full Heather col­or­way for a very low $11.99 with free Prime ship­ping. Other col­or­ways and sizes are avail­able, but you’ll need to do some click­ing around. That’s $13 off list price and the best shipped deal we could find today. Under Ar­mour is run­ning the deal and has more col­or­ways in stock, but you’ll get dinged $5 ship­ping.
Hot Wheels Sky Crash Tower Track Set

Hot Wheels Sky Crash Tower Track Set

8-17-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The Hot Wheels Sky Crash Tower Track Set has an in­cred­i­ble 4.6 star rat­ing after 6100+ re­views and a Fakespot A grade. Plus, it’s on sale at Ama­zon for a low $28.99 with free ship­ping. That beats the low­est price we’ve ever seen by $10. With this Hot Wheels Sky Crash Tower, kids can race mul­ti­ple cars at the same time and add more and more ve­hi­cles for sky-​high crash­es. This thing stands at over 2.
Apple AirPods Pro w/ Wireless Charging Case

Apple AirPods Pro w/ Wireless Charging Case

8-16-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is tak­ing an ad­di­tion­al $10 off at check­out on the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Apple Air­Pods Pro, bring­ing the total price down to just $179.99 with free ship­ping. That match­es Ama­zon’s Black Fri­day price, and it’s the best deal we could find today by $10, while most stores are charg­ing $20+ more. These things fea­ture ac­tive noise can­cel­la­tion, trans­paren­cy mode for hear­ing the world around you, a wire­less charg­ing case, and more.
Pokemon Pikachu Hooded Towel Wrap

Pokemon Pikachu Hooded Towel Wrap

8-12-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
If you have a young child into Poke­mon, pick up this in­sane­ly pop­u­lar #1 Best Sell­er Fran­co Kids Poke­mon Pikachu Hood­ed Towel Wrap on sale at Ama­zon for a very low $10.98 with free Prime ship­ping. Wal­mart is run­ning the same deal with free in-​store pick­up. That’s $7 off list price and tied with the low­est price we’ve ever seen. This 100% cot­ton terry towel mea­sures 24"x50" and can be worn as a cape, hoody, pon­cho, or bathrobe!
12lbs National Geographic Play Sand with Castle Molds

12lbs National Geographic Play Sand with Castle Molds

8-12-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
If your kids love play sand, jump on this deal for a whop­ping 12lbs of Na­tion­al Ge­o­graph­ic Play Sand with Cas­tle Molds on sale at Ama­zon for a low $25.90 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price per pound we’ve ever seen for play sand in any brand. Usu­al­ly this stuff runs you around $5 per pound, so you can do the math here. Check out those re­views–4.6 stars after 13500+ re­views and a Fakespot A grade.
6-pk Dino Pull Back Cars

6-pk Dino Pull Back Cars

8-10-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Right now at Ama­zon there is a coupon for an ad­di­tion­al 20% off a 6-​pack of these in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Di­no­Bros Dino Pull Back Cars, bring­ing the total down to a low $10.39 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen and the best deal we could find today by close to $7. De­signed for tod­dlers, these sim­ple pull-​back-and-go di­nosaur cars are easy to play and make great gifts!
Gumby Plush Filled Dog Toy

Gumby Plush Filled Dog Toy

8-9-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing this #1 Best Sell­er 9" Gumby Plush Filled Dog Toy on sale for an in­cred­i­bly low $3.05 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s $7 off list price and the best shipped deal we could find for this of­fi­cial­ly li­censed plush-​filled squeaky toy. The num­ber of peo­ple who have bought this thing is pret­ty out­ra­geous–4.5 stars after 22,930+ re­views and a Fakespot B grade. For just three bucks shipped to your door, why not?
McDavid Hex Knee Pads with Compression Leg Sleeves

McDavid Hex Knee Pads with Compression Leg Sleeves

8-9-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
If you or your kids are into bas­ket­ball or vol­ley­ball, check out this amaz­ing deal at Ama­zon for the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Mc­David Hex Knee Pads with Com­pres­sion Leg Sleeves, on sale for as low $9 with free Prime ship­ping. Wal­mart is run­ning the same sale with free in-​store pick­up. The price is low­est on the white and black ver­sions, and they are avail­able in a va­ri­ety of dif­fer­ent sizes. With a patent­ed 9mm hex pro­tec­tion de­sign, the closed-​cell foam padding pro­tects your knees from high-​impact sports and the ex­tend­ed com­pres­sion sleeves add extra pro­tec­tion and keep your mus­cles warm.
ChuckIt! Paraflight Flyer Dog Toy

ChuckIt! Paraflight Flyer Dog Toy

8-7-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
We’ve seen some crazy good Chuck­It! dog toy deals late­ly. They sell out super fast, so bet­ter jump on this one right away. Ama­zon is sell­ing the Chuck­It! Paraflight Flyer Dog Toy for just 5 bucks shipped to your door with Prime. Chewy and Petco are run­ning the same deal but you’ll get dinged ship­ping. That’s $10 off list price and the best deal we’ve ever seen. This is billed as the ideal fris­bee for high-​flying games of fetch.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap,12.5 oz

Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap,12.5 oz

8-5-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing 12.5 oz bot­tles of Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Liq­uid Hand Soap in var­i­ous scents for a low $2.72 with free Prime ship­ping when you click the coupon on the prod­uct page. Plus, check out via Sub­scribe & Save to bag an ad­di­tion­al 5% off, bring­ing the total down to just $2.53. Even if you skip S&S and buy straight up with Prime, that’s the low­est price we could find by over a dol­lar.
Instant Pot Ultra Mini 3-qt Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot Ultra Mini 3-qt Pressure Cooker

8-3-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The Ultra ver­sion of In­stant Pot’s Mini 3-qt Pres­sure Cook­er is on sale at Ama­zon for just $55.97 with free ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen by $15 and the best deal we could find today. The Ultra ver­sion has a few more bells and whis­tles over the other ver­sions in In­stant Pot’s line­up, in­clud­ing the abil­i­ty to cook in sous-​vide mode and to ad­just pres­sure cook­ing based on al­ti­tude.
Under Armour Boys' Prototype Shorts

Under Armour Boys' Prototype Shorts

8-3-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing the Under Ar­mour Boys' Pro­to­type Logo Shorts for a low $10.97 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we could find today, not even fac­tor­ing in free ship­ping. Fea­tures smooth, light­weight, fast-​drying fab­ric for su­pe­ri­or per­for­mance with mesh pock­ets. Nice!
Disney Princess 5-Minute Princess Stories

Disney Princess 5-Minute Princess Stories

8-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Pick up the #1 Best Sell­er Dis­ney Princess 5-​Minute Princess Sto­ries hard­cov­er book from Ama­zon for just $5.60 with Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we could find today and with­in a dol­lar of the low­est price we’ve ever seen (which was back in No­vem­ber 2020). As a price com­par­i­son, Tar­get charges $8.38. Fea­tur­ing 12 clas­sic Dis­ney sto­ries, from Snow White to Moana, they can all be read in 5 min­utes or left–per­fect for bed­time!
PAW Patrol 5-Minute Stories Collection

PAW Patrol 5-Minute Stories Collection

8-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Pick up the PAW Pa­trol 5-​Minute Sto­ries Col­lec­tion hard­cov­er book from Ama­zon for a low $5.90 with free Prime ship­ping. Tar­get is run­ning the same deal with free in-​store pick­up or free ship­ping for RED­card hold­ers. Kids ages 3-7 who love Ad­ven­ture Bay’s fa­vorite pups will enjoy this hard­cov­er col­lec­tion of tales. Each story can be read in five min­utes or less, so it’s per­fect for bedtime-​or any­time!
Chia Pet - Star Wars Chewbacca

Chia Pet - Star Wars Chewbacca

8-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Here’s a great gift for any kid or Star Wars fan. Ama­zon is sell­ing the Chia Pet - Star Wars Chew­bac­ca on sale for $16.60 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est shipped price we could find today by $4. Every­thing you need is in­clud­ed: a unique pot­tery planter, con­ve­nient plas­tic drip tray, and chia seed pack­ets for 3 plant­i­ngs. In just a few short weeks your Chia Pet will achieve max­i­mum growth and enjoy a lus­cious green coat!
TMNT Classic Complete Collection DVD

TMNT Classic Complete Collection DVD

8-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
How many of you re­li­gious­ly watched TMNT as a kid? Ama­zon is sell­ing the TMNT Clas­sic Com­plete Col­lec­tion on DVD for $24.96 with free ship­ping. That’s the all-​time low­est price we’ve ever seen. The set in­cludes all 10 sea­son (193 episodes) of the hit TMNT TV se­ries from the 80’s and 90’s!
Klein Tools 6-in-1 Stubby Multi-Bit Screwdriver

Klein Tools 6-in-1 Stubby Multi-Bit Screwdriver

7-31-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
We keep a num­ber of stub­by (i.e., com­pact) screw­drivers in var­i­ous places, in­clud­ing our beach bag, glove box, and junk draw­er. You never know when you’re going to need one. Ama­zon is sell­ing the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Klein Tools 6-​in-1 Stub­by Multi-​Bit Screw­driv­er for just 8 bucks shipped to your door. That’s 50% off list price and the best deal we’ve ever seen for this #1 Best Sell­er. This thing in­cludes a cush­ion grip, an in­ter­change­able shaft, and mul­ti­ple bits.
Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick Dog Toy

Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick Dog Toy

7-30-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is pret­ty much giv­ing away the Chuck­it! Ultra Fetch Stick Dog Toy for a low $2.50 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s $7 off list price and the best deal we’ve ever seen. As a price com­par­i­son, Tar­get charges $8. At under three bucks, it’s prob­a­bly not even worth it to Ama­zon to ship it to you. But they’re doing it any­way so why not? Per­fect for fetch, this 12" dog toy fea­tures high vis­i­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty.
adidas Originals National Backpack

adidas Originals National Backpack

7-28-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing the highly-​rated adi­das Orig­i­nals Na­tion­al Back­pack in black for a very low $25 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s 50% off list price and the low­est price we’ve ever seen. This pop­u­lar pack fuses tra­di­tion with ath­let­ic de­tails like the dual-​density tri­cot lined back panel and water-​resistant base. It also fea­tures one large main com­part­ment for all of your im­por­tant es­sen­tials, two small­er com­part­ments to keep your small items or­ga­nized, lap­top and tablet sleeve with pro­tec­tive lin­ing, and woven label tre­foil patch.
Gamewright Qwixx - A Fast Family Dice Game

Gamewright Qwixx - A Fast Family Dice Game

7-27-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The Gamewright Qwixx - A Fast Fam­i­ly Dice Game has an in­sane 4.8 star rat­ing after 9000+ re­views and a Fakespot B grade. And it’s on sale at Ama­zon for a very low $4.99 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s $7 off list price and the best deal we’ve ever seen! This quick-​playing dice game is suit­able for kids and adults ages 8+ and promis­es to have you on the edge of your seat from be­gin­ning to end!
The Lord of the Rings Illustrated Edition

The Lord of the Rings Illustrated Edition

7-27-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The #1 Best Sell­er The Lord of the Rings Il­lus­trat­ed Edi­tion is on sale in the hard­cov­er ver­sion at Ama­zon for $45 with free ship­ping. Wal­mart is run­ning the same deal. That’s $30 off list price and the best deal we’ve ever seen for this clas­sic tale. One Ring to rule them all, J.R.R. Tolkien’s grand mas­ter­work in a new hard­cov­er il­lus­trat­ed with the art cre­at­ed by Tolkien him­self as he en­vi­sioned Middle-​earth!
Joseph Joseph Nest Steam Stackable Steamer Basket Set

Joseph Joseph Nest Steam Stackable Steamer Basket Set

7-13-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The Joseph Joseph Nest Steam Stack­able Steam­er Bas­ket Set has a solid 4.3 star rat­ing after 575+ re­views and a Fakespot B grade. Plus, it’s on sale at Ama­zon for an in­cred­i­bly low $5.65 with free Prime ship­ping. Wal­mart is run­ning the same sale with free in-​store pick­up. That’s $12 off list price and the best deal we could find today by $5. Most small in-​pan steam­ers only pro­vide a sin­gle com­part­ment for cook­ing food.
2-ct Zak Designs Star Wars Kids Water Bottles

2-ct Zak Designs Star Wars Kids Water Bottles

7-12-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Grab a 2-​pack of these in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Zak De­signs Star Wars Kids Water Bot­tles on sale at Ama­zon for a low $12.07 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen and the best deal we could find today. These 16-oz bot­tles fea­ture a leak-​proof de­sign, screw-​on lid, and break-​resistant translu­cent BPA-​free plas­tic. These would be a great pick­up for any young Star Wars fan!
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Luigi Set

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Luigi Set

7-6-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
If your Switch gamer has been want­i­ng to get his or her hands on the Mario Kart Live: Home Cir­cuit sys­tem, here’s your chance to get the Luigi Set for an all-​time low. Ama­zon is sell­ing the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar sys­tem for just $74.99. That’s $10 under the best deal we’ve ever seen, and it’s the best deal we could find today by $14. Cre­ate a course in your home by plac­ing gates and watch the race come to life on screen in aug­ment­ed re­al­i­ty while you use your Nin­ten­do Switch sys­tem to con­trol a real-​life Mario Kart!
The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book

The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book

7-1-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Snag this #1 Best Sell­er - The Every­thing Kids' Sci­ence Ex­per­i­ments Book - in pa­per­back for just $4.99 at Ama­zon with free Prime ship­ping. That’s 50% off list price and tied with the best deal we’ve ever seen for the pa­per­back ver­sion. Tar­get and Wal­mart are run­ning the same deal with free in-​store pick­up. With this book, all you need to do is gath­er a few house­hold items and you can recre­ate dozens of mind-​blowing, kid-​tested sci­ence ex­per­i­ments.
VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX2

VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX2

7-1-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing the VTech Kidi­zoom Smart­watch DX2 in blue for a low $32.46 with free ship­ping. That’s with­in a dol­lar of the low­est price we’ve ever seen, and it’s the best price we could find today. This thing is packed with fea­tures for your lit­tle techie, in­clud­ing a cam­era for a self­ies, touch screen, apps, and a mon­ster de­tec­tor game that cre­ates an aug­ment­ed re­al­i­ty gam­ing ex­pe­ri­ence where you can cap­ture mon­sters in the real world!
Fisher-Price Classic Xylophone

Fisher-Price Classic Xylophone

7-1-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
This deal is back! Right now at Ama­zon you can pick up the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar and time­less Fisher-​Price Clas­sic Xy­lo­phone for a low $6 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s 62% off list price and the best deal we could find today by a mile. You bet­ter hurry, as this is going in and out of stock (even if out of stock, you can still place an order). By hold­ing the string and pulling the xy­lo­phone along, lit­tle walk­ers can strength­en gross motor skills as well as their bal­ance and co­or­di­na­tion.
KitchenAid KHBBV53PA Cordless Hand Blender

KitchenAid KHBBV53PA Cordless Hand Blender

6-29-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is tak­ing $30 off the pop­u­lar KitchenAid KHBBV53PA Cord­less 8-​inch Hand Blender bring­ing the price down to a low $68 with free ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen and the best deal we could find today. As a price com­par­i­son, Tar­get and other stores charge $99+. With a quick charge of 20 min­utes, the re­mov­able 8" blend­ing arm with 4-​point Stain­less Steel blade de­sign and vari­able speed trig­ger switch ef­fi­cient­ly blends in­gre­di­ents for smooth­ies, milk­shakes, soups, hum­mus and so much more.
Star Wars Vader LED Night Light

Star Wars Vader LED Night Light

6-28-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
This Star Wars Vader LED Night Light has an im­pres­sive 4.6 star rat­ing after 1200+ re­views and a Fakespot A grade. Plus, it’s on sale at Ama­zon for a low $5.40 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the low­est price we’ve ever seen, and the best deal we could find today by $5. With light-​sensing tech­nol­o­gy, this night light au­to­mat­i­cal­ly turns ON at dusk and OFF at dawn with a soft red light from with­in the hel­met and up the wall.
Logitech G305 Lightspeed Wireless Mouse

Logitech G305 Lightspeed Wireless Mouse

6-22-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
For Prime Day, Ama­zon is sell­ing the pop­u­lar Log­itech G305 wire­less mouse for the all-​time low­est price we’ve seen. If you look around on­line, you’ll see that there is some con­sen­sus that this mouse is one of the best bang-​for-buck wire­less mous­es around, es­pe­cial­ly for gam­ing. With this deal, it makes it even bet­ter. In fact, I’m writ­ing this post using one right now! If you want a mouse up­grade, this is a great op­por­tu­ni­ty.
Under Armour Men's Tech 2.0 Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Under Armour Men's Tech 2.0 Short Sleeve T-Shirt

6-17-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon is sell­ing the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar Under Ar­mour Men’s Tech 2.0 Short Sleeve T-​Shirt in Car­bon Heather or in Royal Blue for a low $14.99 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the best deal we could find today in any color by $4, not even fac­tor­ing in free ship­ping. These shirts have over 43,000 re­views. Wowz­ers! They fea­ture UA’s quick-​drying, ultra-​soft, and sweat-​wicking fab­ric tech and anti-​odor tech­nol­o­gy that pre­vents growth of odor-​causing mi­crobes.
Wild Republic Cuddlekin Three Toed Sloth

Wild Republic Cuddlekin Three Toed Sloth

6-11-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Get this adorable Wild Re­pub­lic Cud­dlekin Three Toed Sloth from Ama­zon for a ridicu­lous­ly low $5 with free Prime ship­ping! That’s al­most 70% off and the best price we’ve ever seen, beat­ing our pre­vi­ous men­tion from July 2019 by $6. This thing has an im­pres­sive 4.6 star rat­ing after 6000+ re­views and a Fakespot A grade. Your kids are sure to love it. The sloth mea­sures 30 inch­es tall head to toe and is per­fect for cud­dling!
Dude Wiper 1000 Bidet Toilet Attachment

Dude Wiper 1000 Bidet Toilet Attachment

6-10-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
The Dude Wiper 1000 Bidet Toi­let At­tach­ment is no gim­mick. Se­lect a tar­get­ed butt spray or re­fresh­ing mist from the self-​cleaning, re­tractable sprayer noz­zle, and just turn the knob for the per­fect flow. Com­mand your throne. You can pick up this high­ly rated bidet on sale at Ama­zon for a very low $48.96 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s the best price we could find today from a rep­utable shop by over $40!
adidas Men's Tiro 19 Pants

adidas Men's Tiro 19 Pants

6-2-2021 (last verified 3 years ago)
Ama­zon has slashed the price on the in­sane­ly pop­u­lar adi­das Men’s Tiro 19 Pants to a very low $22 with free Prime ship­ping. That’s over 50% off list price and the best deal we could find today by $13. Train hard. Stay cool. These men’s soc­cer pants bat­tle the heat with breath­able, quick-​drying fab­ric. Cut for move­ment, they have a slim fit and stretchy ribbed de­tails on the lower legs to pro­mote clean foot­work.