Raspberry Pi Car DIY Robot Kit
Posted on 27 October 2018 (last verified 27 October 2018)This SunFounder Raspberry Pi Car DIY Robot Kit would be a great Christmas present for any tech teen in your house. It can work with Raspberry Pi model B+, 2 model B, 3 model B and 3 model B+. With three sensor modules including ultrasonic obstacle avoidance, light follower, and line follower, you can learn to program how to control the car. Python code is provided, and you can also program and debug it with Dragit, a Snap-based graphical interface, by just simple dragging and dropping the code blocks for more complex functions. Right now enter coupon code LSE2EHOP at Amazon to drop the price to $83.99 with free shipping. That’s the lowest price we’ve ever seen and the best deal we could find today. It has a 4.5 star rating after 10+ reviews and a Fakespot A rating.
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