Vet's Best Mosquito Repellent Spray for Dogs & Cats
Posted on 16 June 2020 (last verified 16 June 2020)It’s Summer… and that means not only pesky mosquitos for you, but also for your pets! Luckily, Amazon is offering 61% off this Vet’s Best Mosquito Repellent Spray for Dogs & Cats. This is the lowest price we could find for this product. Vet’s Best Mosquito repellent spray (8 oz) uses a unique blend of lemongrass Oil and geraniol oil (from Citronella plants) to safely repel mosquitoes. Formula is DEET free. Their formulas are independently tested and proven effective at repelling mosquitoes. Can be used directly on dogs and cats 12 weeks or older and people 2 years or older. It has a 4.1 star rating from 367 reviews and a Fakespot B grade. Amazon offers free shipping to Prime members or on orders over $25.
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